Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Is Article revenue sharing?

Article writing on the Internet is a massive, lucrative market which has allowed many people to make a full time living from the comfort of their homes. One of the most common ways for an average person to make a little extra money from the comfort of their home is to write articles and submit them to revenue sharing sites that split the income earned from advertisements placed on the site on which the articles are listed.

How it Works

Basically, article revenue sharing is a partnership. A writer, often an average citizen who is interested in writing a little in their spare time, will write an article about any topic that interests them. They will then submit the article for free to a website that features content by thousands of similar writers. This content is then syndicated throughout the Internet in hopes of driving extra traffic to the site.

Alongside all of the articles posted are advertisements, most often from Google AdSense. These ads, when clicked on, generate income for the website owner. The website owner will then give a portion of the proceeds to the writer in exchange for having written the article.

How Much Can You Make?

The actual amount of money a writer can make from one of these revenue sharing websites varies largely depending on the amount of traffic their content can generate. If they are only able to generate 10 visits a day, and only one of those people clicks on an advertisement for a $.20 profit, the writer will only make a maximum of $.10 – and usually less than that as the website owner will rarely give over a full 50%.

However, if the writer creates a particularly popular article that generates as much as 1000 visits in one day and 8% of those visits click on an ad for 80 total clicks for $.20 each, the total revenue for one day is $16.

The best part is that the revenue is not a one time profit. Articles posted on an article revenue sharing website can generate revenue as long as traffic continues to come into the site. On some sites, users have been known to make as much as $200 on an article over the course of one year. If you write 50 articles and they are half as successful as that, you can make as much as $5,000 a year in residual income.

Everyone is Happy

The best part about article revenue sharing is that everyone involved is happy. The writer gets a chance to see their work published on a highly trafficked website where thousands of people might see it. The website owner receives free content and increased traffic. Visitors find quality content and the information they were searching for. And finally, advertisers get the targeted clicks on their links they are seeking.

The only time there is a loser is when an article revenue sharing website is developed and is not entirely truthful with its writers, retaining more of the profits than it originally promised. Always search for the name of a site before you sign up and submit content to be sure they are legitimate and will pay you your fair share of the profits.

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